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TESA Testicular Sperm Aspiration

TEsticular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)

Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) involves the use of a needle-syringe aspiration system for the collection of sperm from testicular tissue. The collected fluid, from several testicular regions, is then microscopically examined and single sperms identified and extracted for use.

Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) involves the use of a needle-syringe aspiration system for the collection of sperm from testicular tissue. The collected fluid, from several testicular regions, is then microscopically examined and single sperms identified and extracted for use.

TESA-isolated sperms have not completed their maturation process, and therefore, they are unable to swim and fertilize an egg. The sperms obtained this way can only be used for IVF with ICSI.

TESA is performed under local anesthesia and conscious sedation. A needle is inserted in the testicle through the scrotal stretched skin and fluid containing sperm, along some very small pieces of tissue are aspirated. Several piercings to both testicles are performed until the surgeon has collected sufficient amount of fluid and tissue, from where sperms can be isolated.

After recovery from TESA, you will feel some numbness and pain, but full recovery can be achieved within 24-48 hours (the scrotum is one of the fastest healing parts of the human body).

The collected testicular samples are examined under a microscope and individual sperms are extracted by one of our technologists. Most commonly, TESA is coordinated to happen at the same day as the maternal egg collection, so that IVF with ICSI can be performed with freshly-isolated testicular sperms. In cases that sufficient amounts of good quality sperms are recovered by TESA, then they can be frozen down for a future IVF with ICSI cycle. However, the quality of thawed testicular sperms may not be optimal.