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First Consultation

On you first visit to AAFC, to enroll you as a patient here, assess your infertility case and offer treatment, we undertake the following procedure:

    A. We first create your medical record file, and to do so, the following documents from both husband and wife are required:

  • A copy of United Arab Emirates ID or passport
  • A copy of your medical insurance card
  • A picture for each of you
    B. We strongly recommend that you bring us a copy for all medical reports and tests that you may have done in the past. Any information you can provide is valuable, as it can lead us to the right path for your fertility treatment from the very beginning.
    C. As soon as the medical file is in order, we assign you to your personal patient’s assistant that is going to be your contact here in AAFC for anything you may need during your future visits. At this first visit, your patient’s assistant will help you to fill in a detailed pre-treatment health questionnaire. This asks information about your health and reproductive history. Your answers to the questionnaire will be used by your doctor to consider your case and write your medical history for your record file.
    Referring to the detailed questionnaire, your personal patient’s assistant will help you complete your medical history and discuss / write down any issues that relate to or may affect your fertility. It is extremely important that all the information you provide is complete, clear, accurate and true. Be prepared to discuss with your doctor and answer questions such as:
  • How long have you been trying to have a baby?
  • Do you already have another child?
  • How regular do you engage in intercourse?
  • Are you aware of the ‘fertile days’ of the cycle and do you try to conceive those days?
  • Have you noticed heavier periods than before starting trying to have a baby?
    D. Following, you will meet your doctor for the initial consultation.
  • Usually, as a part of the first visit, an ultrasound trans vaginal scan is performed, to evaluate carefully the womb (endometrium and uterine cavity).
  • Your doctor will inform you on the routine diagnostic tests that you will have to take, so we can identify your infertility problem. These are called baseline investigations, and include:
  • Blood workup for husband and wife
  • For the wife, routine gynecological checkup and cycle monitoring (involve smear and swab cervical examinations, a series of ultrasound trans vaginal scans and urine testing)
  • For the husband, sperm collection for semen analysis

Specific instructions on how to prepare for these examinations and tests will be given to you, and your series of appointments will be booked. Some of these tests will depend on the wife’s next period, and if that is not regular some unscheduled arrangements may have to take place.

The above description refers to what we generally feel covers the basic aspects investigated for an averagely common case of infertility. These baseline investigations may be slightly modified based on the medical history of the couple involved, but generally these first studies are designed to give the required amount of information to the fertility doctor, who will take on the case.

Sometimes, the information provided by patients during this initial first consultation can be enough, and only a minimal amount of diagnostic tests may be required.

  • So, depending on the amount of information that your doctor has in this initial first consultation, a personalized fertility treatment plan can be laid out and discussed with you. Alternatively, dates and instructions for the baseline investigations are organized. Then your fertility treatment plan is discussed with you at a follow up visit, after receiving the results from your tests. By that point, your doctor will have a better idea of why you have not conceived so far. Some more tests may be required and your treatment options will be discussed and explained.

If you have any further queries about anything after this initial visit, you can contact your personal patient’s assistant (a telephone number will be given to you on your first visit).

  • Write down your personal medical history, including known conditions (diabetes, for instance), any previous surgeries or admissions to hospital, known allergies, lifestyle (occupation, dietary habits, exercise levels), major changes or stresses that may have affected you.
  • Write down any symptoms, experiences of pains and aches, independently of whether you feel that these may be relating to your infertility.
  • Make a list of any medications you may be taking, vitamins or supplements.
  • Make a list of questions you may have.
  • Take copies for all medical reports, or medical investigations that you may have done in the past. Reports relating to previous infertility treatments or investigations are particularly valuable. This way, unnecessary duplication of medical tests can be avoided.

Facing infertility or issues that may arise during the investigations can be a difficult and emotional time. If you require psychological support during a treatment and / or other personal matters relating to your condition, we are here to help. You can see one of our counselors for an one-to-one or a couples’ appointment. Everything discussed during these sessions will remain strictly confidential.