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Fertility Treatment

Fertility Treatment from Al Ain Fertility Center offers the most advanced techniques of assisted reproduction, such as ICSI, PGD, PGS and gender selection.
We indeed focus on personalized care, placing you at the heart of everything we do. Besides that we are giving our patients the opportunity to receive the most suitable tailor-made fertility treatments for the best achievable results.

  • ismt
  • Exhibition Stand In Abu Dhabi
    Mock Embryo Transfer
  • An elective Single Embro Transfer or eSET, as part of an In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with or without Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), is recommended in cases where a multiple pregnancy is a risky choice for the health of the expectant mother and developing embryos.
    Single embro transfer (eSET)
  • icsi
  • IVF minimal stimulation
  • In-Vitro Fertilization after a natural cycle (IVF-natural cycle) is recommended to women that have a low capacity of producing eggs or to women that cannot follow a drug-heavy fertility treatment due to a medical or social reason.
    IVF natural cycle
  • IVF in AL AIN FERTILITY CENTER - IVF Fertility Treatment in Al Ain Fertility Center - IVF Treatment - مركز اخصاب في العين - التلقيح الصناعي في المختبر
    IVF Fertility Treatment
  • Intra-Uterine Insemination, or IUI, is sometimes recommended as a simpler and more affordable starting point for fertility treatment.
  • This treatment goes one step further. In order to select a chromosomically normal embryo, a PGD analysis is done to the embryos, and then we select only one for the embryo transfer. Then, we can know that the embryo transferred is chromosomically normal, so that we can avoid the birth of babies with chromosomal anomalies (Down syndrome, etc). At the same time, pregnancy rates are higher in comparison with the embryo transfer of embryos without genetic analysis.
    Euploid single embryo transfer

Sperm collection for Fertility treatments

Generally Sperm collection for In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with or without Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), or for Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) can be coordinated to happen the same day as maternal egg collection. Alternatively, depending on your circumstances, further your sperm can be stored until usage for any of the above Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ARTs) with sperm freezing.

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Fertility treatment support

  • Psychological support
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutritionist support
  • Yoga

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Fertility Treatement  Doctors in Al Ain

AAFC Genetic lab, focused on comprehensive patient care and offers detailed genetic test information pre- and post-test to help give the most complete picture of whole procedure. Meanwhile check PGD Scientists in Al Ain.
AAFC Genetic Lab Team are professionals in genetic testing and are certified by Health Authority of Abu Dhabi.

Why Fertility Treatment from AAFC?

Al Ain Fertility Center is growing and visionary organization, comprised of the best and brightest professionals; this allows us to deliver the best know how and talent with local expertise. Basically we build a working environment where each person is valued, respected, and has an opportunity for professional growth. Particularly we promote a culture of discovery in all our activities, so that we offer the latest’s advances in Reproductive Medicine.


Tests on sperm For Fertility Treatement

The tests on sperm will help us to find out whether your infertility is due to any of the below reasons and guide us in finding out the cause and solutions for fertility treatment.

Meanwhile you can read the entire details about this for more deep understanding the condition and the fertility treatment solution with Al Ain Fertility Center.

Furthermore you can check out the pictures from our gallery and YouTube